STRESS (Scenario Training for Realistic Evaluation of Spontaneous Situations)
In this class, you will use a provided SIRT gun that will help you practice with real people simulating scenarios such as robberies, car jackings, store thefts, civil unrest and active shooters. You have to think about what options are best for keeping yourself safe and making sure that what you do is okay legally. Before and after the class, there will be discussions about the different options available in each situation. This information is important if you own a firearm but haven’t thought about reactions or outcomes before.
Virginia law requires a participant to be either a U.S. Citizen with a valid government photo ID (Driver’s License, Real ID or U.S. Passport); a naturalized citizen with a valid government photo ID; or a Permanent U.S. Resident with a valid government photo ID.
- Prerequisite classes: None
- Gear Required: Do NOT bring a firearm to this class. All training guns will be provided.
- Ammunition Required: None
- Recommended Gear: Pen and paper
- Dress: Closed-toe shoes (no heels) and comfortable, appropriate clothing. Pants must have pockets and belt loops. Long pants are recommended.